Other meetings

Research connection


The Conference "Research Connection", organised by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research (DG-RTD), took a place at Congress Centre in Prague from 7 to 8 May 2009  under the Czech EU Presidency.

The aim of the event was to present the main EU programmes and initiatives regarding research, technological development and innovation with a view to stimulate further involvement and networking, in particular on the side of the new EU Member States. Thus, the event reviewed the following major initiatives:

• The 7th EU Research Framework Programme 2007-2013
• The Structural Funds 2007-2013 and
• The Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP)

Participants received first-hand information about each initiative's priorities, objectives and participation rules.

During this meeting in which Food Cluster Initiative took part, we had opportunity to meet and to  bring into contact with experienced researchers from successful European projects. It was great  opportunity to meet reliable partners for future  projects. Plenary sessions held with the main European political players, including the Commissioner for science and research mr Janez Potocnik who opened this event. Two days work was continued through parallel sessions on EU research initiatives as well as through hands-on sessions with FP7 participants, European organisations etc.

Sessions showed potential participants how to participate in these initiatives. The sessions were addressed the following themes:

  • Guidance on how to participate in EU research programmes (rules, tips, measures for small- and medium-sized enterprises etc)
  • The priorities of our research initiatives, especially the Seventh Framework Programme, the Structural Funds and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
  • Project presentations to the media and a wider audience.
  • 'Forum' sessions on how to maximise your participation in EU research programme

The event was intended for scientists, entrepreneurs and researchers looking to learn more about successful EU-funded research and funding opportunities and to meet reliable partners for new projects. We had a unique opportunity to collaborate, exchange ideas and make new partnerships. Public relationship was organized through presentations of successful projects to participants and to the press in order to promote the networking and integration of research activities in Europe.

Feed-to-Food project prepared poster and leaflets which were presented and distributed by European Commision stand.